Social Science

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I always overreact, how do I stop?

For as long as I can remember, I

Moving on from broken friendships (beyond depressed)?

So I had this childhood best friend, we were good friends back in elementary, I found him on Facebook about 4 1/2 months ago. I told him that he

If you feel sexual tension with someone?

does it mean they are feeling it too? Like the room gets heavy and and you want to pounce on each other? I try to start a coversation and its SO awkward!
i dont know...but i feel it too (;
You cant really prove it unless you say something or go for it, but i think theres definately something to it
I guess there is no way to know for sure if someone else is feeling what you

Should I change my personality this year for school?

hi.. well I am really shy around other people.. and I really want to be more talkative.. but i never no what to say.. like in the middle of the school yr. and I really dont know if people really like me at all!!

i hear people talk aobut me behind my backs, make funn of me, and talk about me in front of the whole class, and in my face too!! :(

what can i do to be more talkitive around my friends and stuff?? and how can i get my freidns to actually like me?? and how do i keep people from talking about me and stuff??

plz be postive about this.. this mean alot to me and I am scared of what people think of me too!!

Start by making a list of all of the things you like about yourself, and taping it up somewhere that you will see it everyday. Then, anytime you think something negative about yourself, replace it with one of the things you have written down. Over time, it will become like a second nature to compliment yourself when feeling down.

Find something that you are really good at, and that you feel good about yourself while doing it, then plan events or hanging out around that one thing. For example, say you are really good about bowling and when you bowl you feel awesome about yourself. Invite some people that make you feel GOOD about yourself, to go bowling with you. It is much easier to be confident and more social when you are doing something that makes you feel good about yourself.

Also, do something like get a haircut, get a manicure or pedicure, or get a new outfit! It

How do I get over being ugly?


If one is diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder with depressed mood, can it change?

Suppose a patient comes in, takes the MPPI-II, and based on all the criteria set in place for a diagnoses he/she meets the criteria for Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood as well as Anxiety Disorder NOS (not otherwise specified).

He/she has Passive Aggressive Features as well as Dependent Personality features.

Could this individual be on the brink of prodromal schizophrenia (if a biological parent is schizophrenic) and/or Borderline Personality Disorder?
Adjustment disorder and anxiety disorder NOS are fairly nonspecific diagnoses that are used either when the clinicians are unsure of what is going on, or it may just be a transient type of thing. Adjustment disorders are time limited in nature by definition. In other words, these findings could be something, but I would be more worried about thought disordered symptoms for schizophrenia. Personality disorders are a tough call, but there isn

How does suicide affect loved ones?

Say someone commits suicide, how does that affect the suicide person

Social Science